Photo of Johannes Kriesche Germany

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is born 1959 a Herzebrock/NRW, Germany

1981–87 has studied painting and grafik-design at the academia FH Bielefeld
Proffessoressa Inge Höher©
1994–95 has studied at Rom
since 1996 lifes and wortks at Frankfurt and Offenbach

has vin the ART- prize:\" Offenbacher Löwe 2004\"

exposition personal (choose) K=catalogue

1987 Galerie Friedemann, Gütersloh
1994 Galerie Infracom, Paris
1995 Galerie Grabenheinrich, Gütersloh...

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See everything we offer you!
51.18 x 39.37 in
35.43 x 51.18 in
31.50 x 23.62 in
43.31 x 31.50 in
66.93 x 55.12 in
55.12 x 39.37 in
57.09 x 41.34 in
66.93 x 55.12 in
66.93 x 55.12 in
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is born 1959 a Herzebrock/NRW, Germany

1981–87 has studied painting and grafik-design at the academia FH Bielefeld
Proffessoressa Inge Höher©
1994–95 has studied at Rom
since 1996 lifes and wortks at Frankfurt and Offenbach

has vin the ART- prize:\" Offenbacher Löwe 2004\"

exposition personal (choose) K=catalogue

1987 Galerie Friedemann, Gütersloh
1994 Galerie Infracom, Paris
1995 Galerie Grabenheinrich, Gütersloh
Galerie Medienhaus, Bremen
Studio Giolitti, Rome
1996 Kirchliche Hochschule Bethel, Bielefeld (K)
1997 Galerie Otterstätt, Bielefeld
1998 Art Mac Can, Frankfurt a.M.
Hochschule für Musik u.Darstellende Kunst, Frankfurt a.M.
1999 Galerie Kunstwerk, Frankfurt a.M.
2000 Galerie der Software AG, Darmstadt
Galerie Kunstwerk, Frankfurt a.M. (K)
2003 Galerie Edition 1, Frankfurt a.M.
2004 Galerie KUNST RAUM MATO, Offenbach a.M.
Galerie Kunstraum69, Hanau
2005 Galerie im Evo-TURM, Offenbach a. M. (K)
2006 Museum der Abguss-Sammlung Antiker Plastik, Berlin
Galerie Artycon, Offenbach a. M.
Galerie MK 21, Hamburg
2007 Galerie ART BOX, Frankfurt am Main
Galerie Gallus Theater, Frankfurt am Main
2008 Galerie KunstRaumMato, Offenbach/Main
Galerie 84 GHz, München
2009 Regionalgalerie Südhessen, Darmstadt (K)
2010 Kunstforum Schloss Laubach, Laubach
Heyne Kunstfabrik, Offenbach
„Leda OF positions“, LUMINALE 2010, Offenbach
2011 J.W. Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, Campus Riedberg
2012 „Cutting Dreams“, LUMINALE 2012, Frankfurt am Main
Galerie M Beck, Saarbrücken (K)

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